InterPilot Aviation Safety Foundation

In accordance with its purpose, IPASF will be making grants on an annual basis to qualified applicants.
Our goal is to increase impact on aviation safety and to provide resources to innovate and build strong relationships with our partners, in order to ultimately achieve results in raising the level of aviation safety.
We are continuously improving our process for making and managing grants and other investments.
We do not make grants outside our funding priorities. In general, we directly invite proposals by individually contacting organizations in the aviation safety domain. However, financial assistance grants are made available for specific aviation safety course attendance as follows.
Financial assistance grant application process
The number and value of scholarships, bursaries, other forms of financial assistance that will be awarded will be based on the annual funds made available by the IPASF Board through their annual budget.
To be eligible to apply for financial support, an individual or organization must:
- Complete the online application available on, observe application deadlines, and provide documentation supporting the application to the Vetting Committee.
- Choose an aviation safety course that is offered by a recognized training organization. On request by the Vetting Committee, the applicant must provide documentation that demonstrates both, the relevance of the course for aviation safety and the nature of the course provider. Financial assistance shall not cover more than 80% of the expected fees for the course attendance.
- Not have received financial assistance from IPASF within the previous two calendar years.
Preferred Payout
IPASF makes grants to course providers directly on behalf of awardees rather than to the individual.

Selection and Approval Process
A completed application form shall be presented to the Vetting Committee through or by email to
Application deadlines will be published on
Every incoming application will be reviewed to determine that all requirements are met, and the educational course is in line with the Foundation’s purpose. Qualified applications are then forwarded to a Vetting Committee, who will have the final decision and will be using its discretion as to the number of grants and the amount of each grant for each particular year in accordance with the Board’s annual budget.
The final decision shall reach the applicant at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the educational course.
Responsibilities of the grant recipient
- Any financial assistance is only guaranteed after the Vetting Committee has officially informed the applicant in writing of their decision.
- Once a supported course is completed, the grant recipient must provide proof of completion to the Foundation; only then the approved financial assistance will be provided.
- In case the payout cannot be made directly to the course provider and is transferred to the applicant directly, it is up to the beneficiary to use the granted assistance, be it for course fees, related travel and accommodation expenses, meals, or other expenses related to the course participation.
- Cancellation, postponement, no-show
- In case of cancellation or postponement of the course by the course provider, the applicant must inform IPASF as soon as possible.
- The applicant remains liable for all course fees, cancellation fees, and any related expenses regardless of an approved grant.
- In case of a cancellation of participation or a no-show by the applicant, IPASF may withdraw the approval of the grant; the final decision rests with the Vetting Committee.
- An approved grant is non-transferable.
Vetting Committee (VC)
The IPASF Board appoints a Vetting Committee (“VC”) to review and vet applications.
The VC consists of at least two IPASF Board Members. The IPASF Board may invite additional individuals other than IPASF Board Members to participate in the VC.
The VC meets twice a year, usually in January and July, to review and decide on applications.
Applications will be reviewed considering the following factors:
- The total annual amount of financial assistance as laid down in the annual budget.
- Applicant’s professional or volunteer activities in civil aviation (to potentially act as a multiplier).
- Applicant’s reasoning for applying.